Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
A History Of Australian Football, 1858-2020 |
AST250 |
Module |
Activists in World Politics |
AIR247 |
Module |
Advanced Chinese For Business Purposes C |
AIC387 |
Module |
Advanced Chinese For Business Purposes D |
AIC389 |
Module |
Advanced Writing And Translation Skills In Languages |
AIX301 |
Module |
African American History From Slavery To Black Lives Matter |
AIH276 |
Module |
Anthropology Of Crime And Violence |
ASS329 |
Module |
Anthropology Of Poverty And Development |
ASS205 |
Module |
Applied Arabic 1B: The Language And Its Culture |
AIB152 |
Module |
Applied Heritage Project |
AIM733 |
Module |
Applied Humanitarian Assistance: From Theory To Practice |
AHA722 |
Module |
Arabic And The World 2A: Communicating Using Arabic |
AIB251 |
Module |
Arabic And The World 2B: Texts And Contexts In Arabic |
AIB252 |
Module |
Arabic And The World 3A: Contemporary Arabic In A Range Of Contexts |
AIB351 |
Module |
Arabic And The World 3B: Applying Arabic In Complex And Contemporary Contexts |
AIB352 |
Module |
Arts And Sports-Based Approaches To Community Development |
ADS720 |
Module |
Australia and the Indo-Pacific: Identity, Interests, and Order |
AIR350 |
Module |
Australia In The Age Of Total War 1914-1945 |
AIH238 |
Module |
Australia Today: An Introduction To Australia |
AIX290 |
Module |
Australia's Empire: Colonialism In Papua New Guinea |
AIH326 |
Module |
Australian Foreign Policy |
AIR712 |
Module |
Being Human (With The Nonhuman) |
ASS203 |
Module |
Buddhist Studies In India |
ASP263 |
Module |
Building Language Skills For Real Life Spanish Use |
ALS200 |
Module |
Careers In Criminal Justice |
ACR306 |
Module |
Challenges To Democracy |
AIP746 |
Module |
China And The World |
AIR701 |
Module |
China: From Empire To Republic |
AIE334 |
Module |
Chinese 1A: An Introduction To The Language And Culture |
AIC181 |
Module |
Chinese 1B: Consolidating Skills And Knowledge In Cultural Contexts |
AIC182 |
Module |
Chinese 2A: Communication And Culture In Everyday Chinese Societies |
AIC281 |
Module |
Chinese 2B: Culture, Society And Language In Contemporary Chinese Communities |
AIC282 |
Module |
Chinese 2C: Chinese In Real Life: Language, Culture And Society In Contemporary Chinese Societies |
AIC283 |
Module |
Chinese 2D: Chinese In Real Life: Putting The Language To Work In Contemporary Contexts |
AIC284 |
Module |
Chinese 3A: The Four Pillars In Developing Fluency In Chinese |
AIC381 |
Module |
Chinese 3B: The Four Pillars In Finding Fluency And Your Voice In Chinese |
AIC382 |
Module |
Chinese 3C: Chinese In The Professions - Developing And Enhancing Capacities In A Global Context |
AIC383 |
Module |
Chinese 3D: Chinese In The Professions - Enhancing Capacities In A Global Context |
AIC384 |
Module |
Chinese For Business Purposes A |
AIC385 |
Module |
Chinese For Business Purposes B |
AIC386 |
Module |
Climate Change And Sustainability |
ADH717 |
Module |
Colonial Encounters: From Invasion To Federation |
AIH288 |
Module |
Community From Participation To Activism |
ADS704 |
Module |
Community, Development And Humanitarianism In An Era Of Climate Crisis |
ADH713 |
Module |
Conflict And Its Legacies In Modern Asia |
AIH267 |
Module |
Conspiracies, Misinformation, And Hatred In The Age Of Ai |
ASC320 |
Module |
Contemporary Context of Cemetery Practice |
AIN701 |
Module |
Contemporary International Politics |
AIR747 |
Module |
Contemporary Islam: Religion, Culture & Politics |
ASR208 |
Module |
Contemporary Social Research |
ASC250 |
Module |
Contextualising Indonesian Language |
AIF242 |
Module |
Create Your Own Career |
APE101 |
Module |
Crime And Innovative Justice |
ACR701 |
Module |
Crime Prevention And Security |
ACR211 |
Module |
Crime, Media And Justice |
ACR204 |
Module |
Crime, Surveillance And Technology |
ACR212 |
Module |
Crime, Terrorism And Security |
ACR305 |
Module |
Crime, Victims And Justice |
ACR203 |
Module |
Criminological Policy And Criminal Justice Practice |
ACR702 |
Module |
Criminology In Action |
ACR206 |
Module |
Criminology Research |
ACR302 |
Module |
Critical Criminology Theory |
ACR703 |
Module |
Critical Issues In Middle East Politics |
AIE258 |
Module |
Critical Thinking |
ASP108 |
Module |
Critique And Creativity: Contemporary French Philosophy |
ASP309 |
Module |
Cross Cultural Communication And Practice |
ADS715 |
Module |
Cultural Heritage And Museum Practice |
AIM719 |
Module |
Culture And Communication |
ASS102 |
Module |
Culture And Control: Boundaries And Identities |
ASC304 |
Module |
Culture, Law And Universal Rights |
ASS235 |
Module |
Cultures Of Resistance In The Spanish - Speaking World |
ALS325 |
Module |
Cyber Crime And Digital Surveillance |
ACR705 |
Module |
Cyborg Anthropology |
ASS330 |
Module |
Demonstrating Strategic Leadership in Humanitarian Contexts |
AHL704 |
Module |
Developing Exhibitions |
AIM727 |
Module |
Developing Humanitarian Leadership |
AHL702 |
Module |
Developper Son Leadership Humanitaire |
AHLF702 |
Module |
Digital Interpretation |
AIM715 |
Module |
Diplomacy And The United Nations |
AIR349 |
Module |
Disaster Risk Reduction And Community Led Recovery |
AHA724 |
Module |
Doing Urban Anthropology |
ASS204 |
Module |
Engaging The Contemporary Hispanic World With Fluency |
ALS350 |
Module |
Environmental Crime And Regulation |
ACR706 |
Module |
Environmental Politics |
AIP245 |
Module |
Ethics In Global Society |
ASP216 |
Module |
Europe'S Political Transformations |
AIP243 |
Module |
Evidence and Decision Making in Humanitarian Action |
ADH703 |
Module |
Explaining Crime |
ACR202 |
Module |
Food And Water Security |
ADH712 |
Module |
Formal And Informal Indonesian |
AIF241 |
Module |
Freedom And Power: Existentialism And Beyond |
ASP211 |
Module |
Freud And Philosophy |
ASP224 |
Module |
Fundamentals Of Humanitarian Management |
AHA723 |
Module |
Gender And Sexuality In Islam |
ASR206 |
Module |
Gender, Globalisation And Development |
AIS204 |
Module |
Gender, Media And Society |
ASC300 |
Module |
Gender, Race And Culture |
ADH714 |
Module |
Geopolitics And Political Economy Of Development |
ADS734 |
Module |
Getting Into The Flow: Building Fluency And Competency In Spanish |
ALS300 |
Module |
Global Capitalism And Power |
AIR200 |
Module |
Global Crime, Prevention And Responses |
ACR709 |
Module |
Global Disasters |
AIH383 |
Module |
Global Political Economy |
AIR728 |
Module |
Governance And Accountability In Turbulent Times |
AIP773 |
Module |
Governing The Economy: Wealth And Inequality In Australia |
AIP780 |
Module |
Government And Politics Of The United States |
AIP208 |
Module |
Great Power Relations |
AIR204 |
Module |
Heritage In The Field |
AIM717 |
Module |
Heritage Practice: Conservation And Managing Change |
AIM703 |
Module |
Heritage Practice: Fundamentals |
AIM705 |
Module |
History From Here |
AIH350 |
Module |
Hola!: Welcome To The Hispanic World, Its Language And Cultures |
ALS100 |
Module |
Honours Research Design |
AIX493 |
Module |
Honours Theory And Debates In The Discipline |
AIX497 |
Module |
Honours Thesis A |
AIX495 |
Module |
Honours Thesis B |
AIX496 |
Module |
Honours, Reading In The Discipline |
AIX499 |
Module |
Human Rights In World Politics |
AIR726 |
Module |
Human Rights In World Politics |
AIR203 |
Module |
Human Security In Global Politics |
AIR729 |
Module |
Humanitarian - Development Nexus |
ADH702 |
Module |
Humanitarian Assistance Trial |
Module |
Humanitarian Knowledge And Principles |
AHA721 |
Module |
Humanitarian Settlement |
AHD716 |
Module |
Immersion Program: Japanese Politics, Society And Culture |
AIS203 |
Module |
Indonesian Society Through Literature |
AIF320 |
Module |
Inequality, Power And Justice |
ACR214 |
Module |
Intangible Cultural Heritage |
AIM709 |
Module |
Intercultural Communication |
AIS101 |
Module |
Intergovernmental Relations: Federalism, Power And Multi-Level Governance |
AIP748 |
Module |
International And Comparative Criminal Justice |
ACR301 |
Module |
International Conflict Analysis |
AIR717 |
Module |
International Futures |
AIS304 |
Module |
International Internship A |
AIS330 |
Module |
International Internship B |
AIS331 |
Module |
International Migration And Multicultural Societies |
ASC233 |
Module |
International Relations Theory |
AIR742 |
Module |
International Studies Capstone Portfolio |
AIS303 |
Module |
Internship A |
APE700 |
Module |
Internship Capstone |
APE701 |
Module |
Introducing Crime And Criminal Justice |
ACR102 |
Module |
Introducing Crime And Criminology |
ACR101 |
Module |
Introduction To International And Community Development |
ADH700 |
Module |
Introduction To International And Community Development |
ADS701 |
Module |
Introduction To Politics |
AIP107 |
Module |
Introduction To Sociology: The Sociological Imagination |
ASC101 |
Module |
Introduction To Sociology: The Sociology Of Everyday Life |
ASC102 |
Module |
Introduction To The Indonesian Language |
AIF142 |
Module |
Introduction To The Spanish-Speaking World Through Its Arts, Histories And Cultures |
ALS225 |
Module |
Introduction To University Study |
AIX160 |
Module |
Issues In Criminal Justice |
ACR201 |
Module |
Justice and Equality: Liberalism to Decolonisation |
ASP214 |
Module |
Key Concepts In International Relations |
AIR242 |
Module |
Language And Reality |
ASP326 |
Module |
Le Monde Humanitaire |
AHLF701 |
Module |
Leadership in Humanitarian Operations |
AHL703 |
Module |
Love, Sex And Death |
ASP129 |
Module |
Love, Sex And Relationships |
ASC287 |
Module |
Major Thesis A |
AIX702 |
Module |
Major Thesis B |
AIX703 |
Module |
Making History |
AIH399 |
Module |
Making Policy |
AIP704 |
Module |
Management of Humanitarian Health Programs |
AHL705 |
Module |
Managing Collections |
AIM722 |
Module |
Media And Politics: Campaign Strategies |
AIP247 |
Module |
Media And Politics: Campaign Strategies |
AIP347 |
Module |
Medical Anthropology |
ASS206 |
Module |
Mindfulness, Meditation, And Buddhism |
ASR205 |
Module |
Minds In Action: Philosophy Of Human And Artificial Intelligence (Ai) |
ASP299 |
Module |
Minor Thesis A |
AIX704 |
Module |
Minor Thesis B |
AIX705 |
Module |
Monitoring And Evaluation |
ADS723 |
Module |
Museums, Heritage And Society |
AIM736 |
Module |
Mysticism and Religious Experience |
ASR310 |
Module |
Myth And Ritual |
ASS233 |
Module |
Non-Government Organisations And Other Development Actors |
ADS711 |
Module |
Our Northern Neighbour: Understanding Indonesia |
AIF146 |
Module |
Participatory And Community Development Practice |
ADS705 |
Module |
People And Place: An Introduction To Human Geography |
AIG103 |
Module |
Peoples Of The World |
ASS101 |
Module |
Philosophies Of Religion: Western, Asian, And Contemporary Inquiries |
ASP327 |
Module |
Philosophy, Art, Film |
ASP228 |
Module |
Philosophy, Happiness, And The Good Life |
ASP215 |
Module |
Plato And Nietzsche |
ASP210 |
Module |
Policy And Advocacy In Development Contexts |
ADS721 |
Module |
Policy And How It Shapes Us |
AIP230 |
Module |
Policy Lessons From Overseas |
AIP740 |
Module |
Political Communication: Public Watchdog Or Propaganda Machine? |
AIP781 |
Module |
Political Competition: Rules, Actors And Dynamics |
AIP785 |
Module |
Political Parties And Social Movements |
AIP301 |
Module |
Political Values And Public Policy |
AIP703 |
Module |
Politics Of Poverty And Prosperity |
AIP211 |
Module |
Popular Culture And Society In Languages |
AIX300 |
Module |
Populism And Policing Futures |
ACR707 |
Module |
Practical Arabic: An Introduction To The Language And Its Sounds |
AIB151 |
Module |
Private Sector Development: Corporations, Social-Enterprise And Microfinance |
ADS722 |
Module |
Professional And Academic Indonesian |
AIF342 |
Module |
Project And Financial Management In Humanitarian Contexts |
AHA725 |
Module |
Public Criminology And Criminological Knowledge |
ACR704 |
Module |
Qualitative Research |
AIX707 |
Module |
Quantitative Research |
AIX708 |
Module |
Refugees And Forced Migration |
AHA716 |
Module |
Regionalism In International Politics |
AIR753 |
Module |
Religion And Social Change |
ASC211 |
Module |
Religion, Rights And Governance |
ASR300 |
Module |
Religion, Spirituality and Popular Culture |
ASR200 |
Module |
Religious and Cultural Practices of Bereavement and Interment |
AIN702 |
Module |
Research Communication |
AIX494 |
Module |
Research Design |
AIX706 |
Module |
Research Paper |
AIX701 |
Module |
Research Project Capstone |
ADH790 |
Module |
Researching Democracy |
AIP300 |
Module |
Rethinking Democracy: Past, Present And Future |
AIP783 |
Module |
Security And Strategy |
AIR748 |
Module |
Selected Topics In Spanish |
ALS360 |
Module |
Sex And Gender In The British Empire |
AIH205 |
Module |
Sex, Race, Gender: Empires, 1750-1950 |
AIH305 |
Module |
Social Theory Rewired: Power, Passion And Post Humanism |
ASC308 |
Module |
Sociolinguistic Contexts Of Formal Indonesian Language |
AIF341 |
Module |
Sociology Of Health |
ASC206 |
Module |
Spanish And You: Spanish For Everyday Life |
ALS150 |
Module |
Spanish In Diverse Contexts: Language And Societies In The Spanish Speaking World |
ALS250 |
Module |
Sport In History |
AST256 |
Module |
Sport, Bodies, Action! |
AST205 |
Module |
State-Corporate Crime |
ACR711 |
Module |
Surveillance And Social Justice |
ACR304 |
Module |
Sustainability And Human Rights In Heritage And Museums |
AIM720 |
Module |
Terrorism In International Politics |
AIR732 |
Module |
The Economic Development Record |
ADH733 |
Module |
The Holocaust |
AIH264 |
Module |
The Humanitarian World |
AHL701 |
Module |
The Humanitarian World |
ADH701 |
Module |
The Modern World: Globalisation And Fragmentation, The 1940S To The 21St Century |
AIH108 |
Module |
The Modern World: Nations, Empires, Ideologies, 1860S To 1930S |
AIH107 |
Module |
The Past in the Present: the Geographies of Heritage and Tourism |
AIG211 |
Module |
The Politics Of Asylum In Australia And Asia |
AIP209 |
Module |
The United Nations And International Organisation |
AIR707 |
Module |
Theories And Critiques Of Development |
ADS733 |
Module |
Transforming Buddhism |
ASR207 |
Module |
Transnational Activism And Policy |
AIR720 |
Module |
Urban Geography: Australian and International Perspectives |
AIG300 |
Module |
Using And Abusing The Past |
AIH240 |
Module |
Visions And Values In Politics |
AIP116 |
Module |
War, Terrorism And Humanitarian Responses |
AIR102 |
Module |
Why Research Matters |
AER730 |
Module |
Working In International Contexts |
AIS201 |
Module |
Working In International Contexts |
AIS102 |
Module |
World Heritage |
AIM708 |
Module |
World In Crisis |
AIR101 |
Module |
World Religions |
ASR100 |
Module |
Youth Culture And Identity |
ASC210 |
Module |