Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Abstraction In The Visual Arts ACV206 Module
Academic Research Project 1 ACX704 Module
Academic Research Project 2 ACX705 Module
Academic Research Project 3 ACX706 Module
Acting And Directing For Screen ACF110 Module
Acting Studio ACP103 Module
Adapting Children'S Texts Across Media ALL230 Module
Advanced Brand Communication ALR710 Module
Advanced Communication Research A ACO412 Module
Advanced Communication Research B ACO413 Module
Advanced Communication Research C ACO414 Module
Advanced Communication Research D ACO415 Module
Advanced Creative Research Project A ACA703 Module
Advanced Creative Research Project B ACA704 Module
Advanced Digital Studio ACI202 Module
Advertising Principles And Practices ALA101 Module
Advertising Theory And Practice ALR733 Module
Advertising: Desire, Consumption And The Attention Economy ACC302 Module
Alternative Imaging ACI201 Module
Analogue Photography ACI101 Module
Animated Motion Graphics ADA204 Module
Animation Project ACF207 Module
Animation Project ADA302 Module
Applied Research Methods For Communication ACX702 Module
Art Direction And Visualisation ALA201 Module
Art In Public Space ACV210 Module
Art in the Postdigital Age ACV311 Module
Artist's Books Studio ACV310 Module
Australian Literature ALL260 Module
Beyond Identity: Diversity In Action AGS300 Module
Branding Design ADV202 Module
Branding Design ADD204 Module
Broadcast Journalism ALJ712 Module
Celebrity Industries ACF304 Module
Character Animation ADA202 Module
Character Design And Development For Animation ADA201 Module
Cinematography ACF208 Module
Classics And Trash ALL376 Module
Collaborative Design Project ADD301 Module
Collaborative Digital Media Making ALC701 Module
Communication And Creative Arts Internship ACC700 Module
Communication And Creative Arts Internship A ACC317 Module
Communication And Creative Arts Internship B ACC318 Module
Communication Concepts ACX701 Module
Communication Concepts ACO411 Module
Communication Futures ACC310 Module
Communication Research Methods ACO410 Module
Contemporary Art Practice: Production ACV312 Module
Contemporary Asian Cinema: Texts, Contexts And Experiences ACF213 Module
Contemporary Debates In The Creative Arts ACA410 Module
Contemporary Debates In The Creative Arts ACA710 Module
Contemporary Topics In Screen Cultures ACF206 Module
Copywriting And Ideation ALA202 Module
Creating Your Arts Business ACA715 Module
Creative Advertising Campaigns ALA304 Module
Creative Advertising Projects ALA205 Module
Creative Arts Project Production ACA397 Module
Creative Brand Communication ALA102 Module
Creative Careers And Contexts ACA309 Module
Creative Design Studio ADD306 Module
Creative Nonfiction: Inquiry, Integrity, Vulnerability ALW223 Module
Creative Nonfiction: The Personal Essay ALW730 Module
Creative Research Methods ACA411 Module
Creative Research Project A ACA491 Module
Creative Research Project B ACA493 Module
Creative Studio 2B ACA211 Module
Creative Studio 3A ACA310 Module
Creative Studio 3B ACA311 Module
Creative Studio A ACA401 Module
Creative Studio A ACA701 Module
Creative Studio B ACA702 Module
Creativity: Thinking Through Doing ACA102 Module
Critical Issues In Children'S Literature ALL154 Module
Critical Writing For Creative Practice ALW301 Module
Dance And Screens ACD212 Module
Dance Beyond The Studio ACD208 Module
Dance Making: Principles And Processes ACD202 Module
Darkroom Practices ACI203 Module
Design and Digital Skills AGC703 Module
Design And Digital Skills ACG703 Module
Design For Alternative Realities ADT204 Module
Design For Change ADD303 Module
Design Fundamentals ADD105 Module
Design Laboratory ADD209 Module
Design Thinking ADD101 Module
Design Thinking And Problem Solving ACG708 Module
Designing 3D Animated Environments ADA102 Module
Designing Fictions ALW225 Module
Designing User Experience ADV205 Module
Developing A Communication Research Project ACX703 Module
Developing A Journalism Portfolio 1 ALJ330 Module
Developing A Journalism Portfolio 2 ALJ331 Module
Devising Theatre ACP211 Module
Digital Brand Storytelling ALR703 Module
Digital Curation In The Age Of Ai ALC703 Module
Digital Experience Design ADT201 Module
Digital Media Entrepreneurship ALM302 Module
Digital Photography ACI102 Module
Digital Practices And The Visual Arts ACV212 Module
Digital Publishing ACG702 Module
Dilemmas, Defamation, Deception And Disinformation ACC213 Module
Directed Production ACP214 Module
Director'S Workshop ACP207 Module
Documentary Production ACF305 Module
Documentary Production Practice ACF705 Module
Drawing And Illustration ADV101 Module
Drawing And The Body In Visual Arts ACV115 Module
Editing ALW738 Module
Ensemble Devising (A) ACP324 Module
Ensemble Performance: Dramaturgy And Devising B ACP326 Module
Environmental Design ADD207 Module
Ethics, Persuasion And Society ALR376 Module
Experimental Photography and Creative Practice ACI301 Module
Exploring Dance Styles ACD104 Module
Fantasy And Historical Fictions ALL706 Module
Fantasy Literature ALL255 Module
Feature Writing ALJ216 Module
Feature Writing ALJ728 Module
Fiction Writing: Story, Structure And Starting Out ALW732 Module
Folio And Professional Practice ACI304 Module
Foundations In Narrative Theory ALL743 Module
Foundations In Writing ALW740 Module
Fractured Tv: Audiences, Formats, Technology And Regulation ACF703 Module
Freelancing In The Arts ALW200 Module
Freelancing In The Arts ACC200 Module
From Horror To Romance: Genre And Its Revisions ALL102 Module
From The Fourth Estate To Fake News ALJ222 Module
Fundamentals Of Research AAR410 Module
Fundamentals Of Research ALX705 Module
Games And Interactive Design ADT203 Module
Gamified Media ALM201 Module
Gender, Sex And Literature ALL256 Module
Gender, Sexuality And Culture AGS200 Module
Gender, Sexuality And Texts For Young People ALL326 Module
Global Challenges and Personal Agency ACG109 Module
Global Journalism ALJ721 Module
Global Media ALM215 Module
Graphic Narratives ALL708 Module
Gutenberg To Zuckerberg: Communication In Everyday Life ACC100 Module
Histories Of Sex And Gender AGS102 Module
Honours Research Project A ALX420 Module
Honours Research Project B ALX421 Module
Honours Research Project C ALX422 Module
Honours Research Project D ALX423 Module
Honours Research Theory In The Discipline AAR412 Module
Honours Studies In The Discipline AAR413 Module
How To Write About Art ACA226 Module
Illustration Design ADD208 Module
Imaging: Post-Production to Print and Screen ACI303 Module
Improvisation For Dance And Movement ACD207 Module
Improvisation For Theatre ACP109 Module
Individual Design Portfolio ADD302 Module
Information Design ADD206 Module
Integrated Brand Communication ALA203 Module
Interaction Design ADT102 Module
Interactive Animation Studio ADA301 Module
International Advertising Campaigns ALA303 Module
Introduction To Contemporary Dance Practice A ACD101 Module
Introduction To Digital Photography ACI700 Module
Introduction To Journalism ALJ111 Module
Introduction To Public Relations ALR103 Module
Introduction To Sports Media ASM700 Module
Introductory Creative Studio 1A ACA100 Module
Introductory Creative Studio 1B ACA101 Module
Investigative And Narrative Journalism ALJ722 Module
Issues, Crisis, And Risk Communication ALR213 Module
Journalism For Social Change ALJ714 Module
Journalism In Society ALJ324 Module
Life Writing Now ALL784 Module
Literature For Children And Young Adults ALL153 Module
Lobbying and Advocacy ALR214 Module
Local Journalism ALJ304 Module
Major Screen Project A - Development ACF307 Module
Major Screen Project B - Production ACF308 Module
Making Sense Of Communities Online ALC702 Module
Making Social Media ALM101 Module
Making Video ALM102 Module
Masters Research Literary Theory ALX726 Module
Masters Research Project A ALX722 Module
Masters Research Project B ALX723 Module
Masters Research Project C ALX724 Module
Masters Research Project D ALX725 Module
Media Ecologies ALM305 Module
Media Genres: Negotiating Textual Forms And Pleasures ALC104 Module
Media Law And Ethics ACC717 Module
Media Relations Strategy ALR210 Module
Methods And Design For Creative Arts Research ACA711 Module
Minor Research Project ALX720 Module
Modelling And The Visual Arts ACV213 Module
Multimedia Journalism ALJ710 Module
Multimedia Storytelling ALJ715 Module
Narrative Film And Television Project ACF303 Module
Nature, Climate, Transformation ALL381 Module
News Reporting ALJ112 Module
Newsroom Practice ALJ729 Module
Out Of The Box: Theatre In Alternative Contexts ACP323 Module
Out Of The Ether: Devised Theatre ACP378 Module
Painting In The Visual Arts ACV101 Module
Photographic Lighting And Lens ACI205 Module
Photographic Storytelling ACI204 Module
Podcasting And Audio Journalism ALJ218 Module
Poetry: Events In Language ALW242 Module
Post Production ACF717 Module
Postproduction ACF210 Module
Practice-Led Research in the Visual Arts ACV307 Module
Principles Of Animation ADA107 Module
Process Towards Performance ACD309 Module
Producing Digital Anthologies: From Concept To Publication ALW396 Module
Production Design For Screen And Performance ACF217 Module
Production Design for Screen and Performance ACA201 Module
Production Lab ACA204 Module
Professional Practice In Design ADD203 Module
Professional Research Project 1 ACX707 Module
Professional Research Project 2 ACX708 Module
Professional Writing For Work AIX117 Module
Public Affairs And Opinion Formation ALR782 Module
Public Relations Campaigns ALR301 Module
Public Relations Campaigns ALR700 Module
Public Relations Campaigns And Practice ALR300 Module
Public Relations Management ALR279 Module
Public Relations Theory And Practice ALR731 Module
Public Relations, Activism And Social Change ALR718 Module
Publishing ALW739 Module
Publishing Fundamentals ALW204 Module
Quantified Media ALM202 Module
Reputation Management: Crisis, Risk And Responsibility ALR704 Module
Research Communication AAR422 Module
Screen Practices ACF106 Module
Screen Practices ACF214 Module
Screen Producing ACF211 Module
Screen Production Research Project ACF708 Module
Screen Production: Advanced Techniques ACF710 Module
Screen Research Project Design & Script ACF709 Module
Screening History ACF104 Module
Scriptwriting Fundamentals ALW103 Module
Scriptwriting: Character, Action And Reaction ALW227 Module
Sex And Gender: Ideas That Changed The World AGS101 Module
Sex, The Body, And American Poetry ALL727 Module
Shakespeare Today: Sex, Race And Politics ALL375 Module
Short Fiction Film ACF201 Module
Social Media Content Creation ALC708 Module
Social Media Strategy ALM216 Module
Sport Commentary ASM701 Module
Story Telling On Screen ACF706 Module
Strategic Branding And Design ACG709 Module
Strategic Communication And Writing ALR104 Module
Studies In The Discipline ALL728 Module
Studio 1: The Writer's Room ACF712 Module
Studio 2: Production ACF713 Module
Technical Production 1 ACP104 Module
Technical Production 2 ACP212 Module
Technical Production 3 ACP213 Module
Television Commercial Production ACF702 Module
Television Studio Production ACF109 Module
Television Studio Production ACF205 Module
Television Studio Production ACF701 Module
Texts For Young Adults ALL722 Module
The Art And Design Of Sound ACF215 Module
The Art and Design of Sound ACA203 Module
The Australian Moving Image ACF320 Module
The Golden Age: Child, Nature, Empire ALL228 Module
The Role Of The Editor ALW205 Module
The Stories We Tell: Inventing Selves And Others ALL101 Module
Theatre Technologies ACP208 Module
Transgressive Acts In Cinema, Art, Performance ACA412 Module
Transgressive Acts In Cinema, Art, Performance ACA712 Module
Transmedia Storytelling For Brands ALA302 Module
Type Foundations ADD106 Module
UX Design Studio ADT301 Module
Ux Fundamentals ADT103 Module
Video Journalism ALJ221 Module
Vision And Revision: Short Stories Now ALL705 Module
Visual Effects And Effects Animation ADA206 Module
Visual Effects and Motion Graphics ACF212 Module
Web And Interactive Design ACG706 Module
Web And Interface Design ADT202 Module
Web Design and Interactivity ADV201 Module
Writer'S Toolkit: Craft And Creativity ALW101 Module
Writing And Publishing For Young People ALW352 Module
Writing For Brands ALR701 Module
Writing For Children ALL721 Module
Writing For Games: Designing Quests And Characters ALW251 Module
Writing for Young People ALW252 Module
Writing Lives: Emerging Forms And Contemporary Practices ALW395 Module
Writing Manifestos ALW725 Module
Writing Modern Worlds ALL202 Module
Writing Project ALW394 Module
Writing Spaces: Paradigms And Provocations ALW102 Module
Writing The Exegesis: Theory And Context ACA492 Module
Writing The News ALJ716 Module
Writing With The Camera ACF700 Module
Writing With The Camera ACF103 Module
Your Future Direction AWL100 Module

Lists linked to School of Communication and Creative Arts

Title Sort by title Time Period Last updated Sort by last updated
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Culture Children's Literature 23/11/2018 02:34:27
ACC200/ACA715 - Creative Arts Sampler - Animation All Year 2020 Ended 31/12/2020 09/12/2019 03:49:26
ACC200/ACA715 - Creative Arts Sampler - Dance All Year 2020 Ended 31/12/2020 17/02/2020 21:02:16
ACC200/ACA715 - Creative Arts Sampler - Film/TV All Year 2020 Ended 31/12/2020 16/01/2020 03:16:27
ACC200/ACA715 - Creative Arts Sampler - Photography All Year 2020 Ended 31/12/2020 09/12/2019 03:49:56
ACC200/ACA715 - Creative Arts Sampler - Visual Arts All Year 2020 Ended 31/12/2020 09/12/2019 03:50:06
ACC200/ACA715 - Creative Arts Sampler - Visual Communication Design All Year 2020 Ended 31/12/2020 16/01/2020 03:16:37
Australian Films via Streaming Video All Year 2020 Ended 31/12/2020 24/08/2020 04:31:12
Creative Arts Research Impact Resource List Year 2015 Ended 31/12/2015 21/09/2015 07:22:53
Creative Arts Sampler Year 2015 Ended 31/12/2015 25/08/2022 01:03:38
Creative Arts Sampler - Animation All Year 2023 Ended 31/12/2023 29/04/2015 06:57:01
Creative Arts Sampler - Dance All Year 2023 Ended 31/12/2023 29/04/2015 06:52:45
Creative Arts Sampler - Drama All Year 2023 Ended 31/12/2023 21/04/2015 05:47:36
Creative Arts Sampler - Film/TV All Year 2023 Ended 31/12/2023 28/04/2015 05:53:42
Creative Arts Sampler - Photography All Year 2023 Ended 31/12/2023 21/04/2015 05:26:14
Creative Arts Sampler - Visual Arts All Year 2023 Ended 31/12/2023 28/04/2015 05:31:58
Dance films All Year 2019 Ended 31/12/2019 22/11/2018 01:09:54
Deakin Film, TV and Animation All Year 2019 Ended 31/12/2019 25/02/2019 20:33:11
Demo List All Year 2022 Ended 31/12/2022 29/06/2022 05:27:50
Design Thinking Resource - Stephan Hitchins All Year 2019 Ended 31/12/2019 22/11/2018 01:11:19
Digital Theatre All Year 2021 Ended 31/12/2021 23/02/2021 21:44:52
Early to mid primary 22/11/2018 01:09:06
Films by Indigenous Filmmakers All Year 2019 Ended 31/12/2019 22/11/2018 01:10:20
Indigenous Knowledges and Perspectives - Creative Arts 24/07/2023 06:49:25
Indigenous Knowledges: resources for Dance and Theatre 18/07/2023 04:30:15
Indigenous Knowledges: resources for Visual Arts and Photography 18/07/2023 04:30:35
KL_Play List All Year 2021 Ended 31/12/2021 20/07/2023 03:51:17
Practice Led Research All Year 2019 Ended 31/12/2019 22/11/2018 01:14:11