Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Academic induction for Professional Accounting and Law MLM070 Module
Accounting and Legal Research Methods MLM732 Module
Administrative Law MLP424 Module
Administrative Law And Policy MLJ710 Module
Administrative Law And Policy MLP710 Module
Advanced Legal Practice MLL442 Module
Advanced Legal Problem Solving And Persuasion MLL427 Module
Advanced Legal Professional Practice MLJ721 Module
Advanced Legal Research MRL901 Module
Alternative Dispute Resolution: Principles And Practice MLJ731 Module
Alternative Dispute Resolution: Principles And Practice MLL228 Module
Animal Law MLL364 Module
Animal Law And Policy MLJ764 Module
Business Law MLC707 Module
Business Tax Law MLC305 Module
Business Taxation Law And Policy MLC709 Module
Chinese Commercial Law MLT244 Module
Chinese Commercial Law MLM703 Module
Civil And Commercial Law Clinic MLL412 Module
Civil And Commercial Law Clinic MLM728 Module
Civil Law Study Tour MLT346 Module
Civil Procedure And Dispute Resolution MLP391 Module
Civil Procedure, Alternative Dispute Resolution And Policy MLP708 Module
Civil Procedure, Alternative Dispute Resolution And Policy MLJ708 Module
Commercial and Corporations Law CAF007 Module
Commercial Law MLL215 Module
Commercial Law And Policy MLP705 Module
Commercial Law And Policy MLJ705 Module
Community Legal Internship MLL351 Module
Competition Law And Policy MLJ718 Module
Competition Law And Policy MLL409 Module
Constitutional Law MLP323 Module
Constitutional Law And Policy MLP709 Module
Contemporary International Legal Challenges (Intensive) MLL419 Module
Contemporary International Legal Challenges (Intensive) MLJ729 Module
Contemporary Legal Issues MLL418 Module
Contract MLL111 Module
Contract A MLP119 Module
Contract B MLP219 Module
Contract Law And Policy MLP702 Module
Corporate Governance MLM706 Module
Corporate Insolvency Law MLL318 Module
Corporate Insolvency Law And Policy MLJ735 Module
Corporate Insolvency Law and Policy MLC713 Module
Corporate Law MLP331 Module
Corporate Law And Policy MLP715 Module
Corporations Law MLC203 Module
Criminal Justice Study Tour MLT345 Module
Criminal Law MLP114 Module
Criminal Law And Policy MLP703 Module
Criminal Law And Policy MLJ703 Module
Criminal Law Clinic MLJ727 Module
Criminal Law Clinic MLL416 Module
Criminal Procedure MLL218 Module
Criminal Procedure MLP218 Module
Criminal Procedure And Policy MLP707 Module
Data Law, Privacy And Cybercrime MLM735 Module
Data Law, Privacy And Cybercrime MLL444 Module
Deakin Law Clinic MLL420 Module
Deakin Law Clinic MLJ739 Module
Diplomatic Law (Universitas Indonesia) MXA326 Module
Discipline Reading Unit (Law) MRL908 Module
Employment Law Clinic MLL414 Module
Employment Law Clinic MLJ725 Module
Environmental And Climate Law MLL425 Module
Equity And Trusts MLP405 Module
Evidence MLP334 Module
Evidence Law And Policy MLP713 Module
Family Law MLL320 Module
Family Law And Policy MLJ712 Module
Family Law Clinic MLJ726 Module
Family Law Clinic MLL415 Module
Financial Advice Regulation MLC714 Module
Financial Advice Regulation (Intensive) MLI714 Module
Financial Services Regulation MLL329 Module
Financial Services Regulation MLJ732 Module
Health Law MLL330 Module
Health Law MLM715 Module
Health Law And Policy MLJ745 Module
Human Rights And International Law (Masaryk University) MXH351 Module
Human Rights In A Global Perspective (Stockholm University) MXO385 Module
Human Rights Law MLL417 Module
Human Rights Law MLL302 Module
Human Rights Law MLL211 Module
Human Rights Law And Policy MLJ733 Module
Intellectual Property MLL410 Module
Intellectual Property And Policy MLJ719 Module
International Arbitration MLL332 Module
International Commercial Law MLL336 Module
International Competition Law and Policy MLM721 Module
International Financial Crime MLM788 Module
International Financial Crime MLL388 Module
International Intellectual Property Law MLM712 Module
International Law MLL277 Module
Land Law MLP325 Module
Land Law And Policy MLP716 Module
Law And Policy Of Misleading Conduct And Product Liability MLP706 Module
Law For Commerce MLC101 Module
Law Of Agreements (Universitas Indonesia) MXA327 Module
Legal Communication And Ethical Decision Making MLL113 Module
Legal Method And Statutory Interpretation MLJ701 Module
Legal Practice And Ethics MLP235 Module
Legal Practice, Ethics And Policy MLP720 Module
Legal Professional Practice MLL338 Module
Legal Professional Practice MLJ738 Module
Legal Research And Statutory Interpretation MLL110 Module
Legal Research Project MLH402 Module
Legal Research Training MLH401 Module
Marketing Law MLC206 Module
Marketing Law MLM790 Module
Migration And Refugee Law And Policy MLJ730 Module
Migration And Refugee Law And Policy MLL394 Module
Mining and Energy Law MLL426 Module
Mining and Energy Law and Policy MLJ746 Module
Misleading Conduct And Economic Torts MLP117 Module
Mooting and Advocacy MLJ760 Module
Mooting and Advocacy MLL460 Module
Personal Injuries Compensation Schemes MLL225 Module
Personal Injuries Compensation Schemes and Policy MLJ737 Module
Principles Of Income Tax Law MLC703 Module
Principles Of Income Tax Law MLC301 Module
Property MLP327 Module
Property Law And Policy MLP711 Module
Public International Law MLM785 Module
Public International Law MLJ734 Module
Research Methodology MLM705 Module
Research Thesis MLJ770 Module
Sentencing Law And Practice MLL319 Module
Sport And The Law MLC310 Module
Sport And The Law MLC710 Module
Succession Law MLL362 Module
Superannuation Law MLL227 Module
Superannuation Law And Policy MLM727 Module
Taxation CAF010 Module
Taxation MLL406 Module
Taxation in New Zealand CAFF4NZ Module
Taxation in New Zealand CAFF9NZ Module
Taxation Law And Policy MLJ723 Module
Torts MLP213 Module
Torts And Policy MLP704 Module
Transnational Study Tour MLT324 Module
Trusts And Equitable Remedies MLP717 Module
Venture Law Clinic MLL337 Module
Venture Law Clinic MLM718 Module
Workplace Law MLL342 Module
Workplace Law And Policy MLJ714 Module

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